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Program Participant Term of Service

The taking, use or disclosure of photographs, video or audio recordings recorded at public events or activities related to the library is not considered to be an unreasonable invasion of the personal privacy
Notwithstanding the above, if an individual attending such an event or, more likely, speaking or participating in a program or event, explicitly requests that the information (in this case, photographs or tapes) not be disclosed, the library will abide by that request (FOIP Act section 17(3)).


Photo/Video Consent:
By registering, you give consent for us to use photographs or video of your child in social media posts or other marketing and advocacy efforts. If you do not wish your child's image to be posted, you may make special request to the program coordinator when dropping your child off at the program. We will make every effort to ensure your child's image is not posted. 


By registering, you acknowledges and agrees that the instructor(s), staff, and Olds and District Municipal Library Board of Trustees, and the Town of Olds respectively shall not be liable for any injury (including Death) or personal property loss or damage caused to the child registered hereby as a participant in any activity sponsored or authorized by Olds and District Municipal Library.

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