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Censorship & Intellectual Freedom

The Olds & District Municipal Library Board governs their selection and removal of library materials through the following Policy (5.5 and 5.6, ODML Policy Manual). 


The ODML Board does not interpret its function nor that of its administrators to be the supervisor of public morals.  It believes in freedom of the individual and the rights and obligations of Guardians to develop, interpret and enforce their own code of acceptable conduct/reading upon their own household.

There is a possibility that an item or program in the library may be regarded by some as unpleasant or offensive, or in political opposition to local beliefs.  If the ODML is to fulfill its obligation to its community it must include materials and programs of varied points of view, even those which may be regarded by some as controversial.  The Library will provide, as much as possible, materials and programs on all sides of controversial issues, including representation of unpopular or unorthodox positions without censorship or bias.

Unless an item is officially prohibited from entering the province, materials cannot be legally withdrawn from the library shelves.  However, If an individual objects very strongly to a particular item or program they will have the right to make an official complaint.  Each complaint will be dealt with in the following manner:


  1. Patron will complete an Expression of Concern Regarding Library Materials or Programs form. Only written complaints, or complaints submitted through our online form will be dealt with.  The Library Manager will review the material with the patron, noting areas of contention, and the patron will be informed of the review procedure and when to expect a reply from the Board regarding the complaint.

  2. The material will be removed from the shelf until a review is conducted.

  3. The Library Manager will present the Expression of Concern at the next Board meeting held.  If a decision cannot be reached at the Board meeting, an ad hoc Reconsideration Committee, composed of the Library Manager and two Board Members, will meet to review the concerns and decide the future status of the material.

  4. The Library Manager will inform the patron in writing of library policy and of the review outcome.

  5. If the concern cannot be satisfactorily dealt with through this process, assistance will be solicited from Parkland Regional Library Consultants.

Statement of Intellectual Freedom

The ODML affirms the Canadian Library Association's "Statement on Intellectual Freedom", (adopted by the Canadian Library Association in 1974 and amended in 1983 and 1985), and recognizes its intent in regards to programming as well. The statement reads:

Every person in Canada has the fundamental right, as embodied in the nation's Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to have access to all expressions of knowledge, creativity and intellectual activity and to express their thoughts publicly.  The right to intellectual freedom under the law is essential to the health and development of Canadian society.

Libraries have a basic responsibility for the development and maintenance of intellectual freedom.
It is the responsibility of libraries to guarantee and facilitate access to all expressions of knowledge and intellectual activity including those which some elements of society may consider to be unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable.  To this end, libraries shall acquire and make available the widest variety of materials.  It is the responsibility of libraries to guarantee the right of free expression by making available all the library's public facilities and services to all individuals and groups who need them.  Libraries should resist all efforts to limit the exercise of these responsibilities while recognizing the right of criticism by individuals and groups.  Both employees and employers in libraries have a duty, in addition to their institutional responsibilities, to uphold these principles.

The ODML board recognizes its duty, in addition to its institutional responsibilities, to uphold these principles.

Expression of Concern

Thank you for showing interest in the materials and programs offered at the Olds Municipal Library. We believe that everyone should have a voice to share their concerns. Please take some time to fill out the form below and we will be in touch soon.


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