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Olds library general library space amongst the book shelves with checkout desk in the background


There are currently no paid positions available. Please come back for future applications, we do not keep resumes on file.


Would you like to volunteer? Fill out this application form below to find a suitable job when it comes available. We thank you for your interest in helping out at the library! You can pop in or contact the library for more information at


Examples of Jobs our volunteers do:


  • Board Member: 
    Library board members act as governors for a library, setting the direction and overseeing operations  without getting into the day-to-day management. They set policies, decide on strategic plans, set budgets, help fundraise , and advocate for the library.

  • Special Event Database: 
    Be on call for special events, fundraisers, larger programs, book sales and more. When we need help we will email you to check your availability. Work at the events that you want. We are flexible!

  • Program Prep: 
    Help prepare crafts ahead of time for programs, precutting, printing, or helping with organization and planning.

  • Program Help: 
    Do you prefer to be in the thick of things? Help in the classroom. Supervise classes, read to students, and help out as a program assistant.

  • Library Operations:
    Help with the day to day activities at the library as needed. Some of these jobs may include shelf reading, mending books, delivering books to seniors lodges, cleaning DVDs, shredding and recycling and more.


We will do our best to match you with a job you're interested in when it becomes available. Thank you for your interest!

Volunteer Application

How are you hoping to volunteer? (Check all that apply)
When are you available? (Check all that apply)
How often are you hoping to volunteer?
Are there specific days of the week that work best for you?
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